Creating tasks on Addie is simple. 😃

Creating a task

<br>Press on the round ➕ button in the bottom menu to open the task creation panel. Next, add a task name and, if you need to, immediately press ‘Create Task’ to brain dump.<br>

If you want some help from Addie to prioritise your tasks, use the Urgency, Importance and Fun sliders.<br><br>

Creating a scheduled task

<br>Schedule a task for a specific time and date by using the ‘When’ function (in the ‘More’ section). Select the time and date of your task/appointment and Addie will remind you.


Creating a recurring task

<br>First, set the time and date of your task. Then, make it recurring by using the ‘Repeat’ function (in the ‘More’ section). Select the frequency of your recurring task/appointment and Addie will set it up for you.


Creating an alert

<br>Set the specific time you are notified about a task by using ‘Alert’ function (in the ‘More’ section). Choose how many minutes/hour before the task time that you want to be notified and Addie do the rest.


Setting a category

<br>Set the category of your task by using the ‘Category’ function (in the ‘More’ section) to select the categories you want to assign.


Adding an attachment

<br>Add a file attachment by using the ‘Attachments’ function (in the ‘More’ section) to select and add a file to your task.